Finding Technical Professionals for New Zealand companies for 20 years

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Recruitment is not rocket science (although we have a couple of rocket scientists if you need them) it’s about Knowledge, Focus and Action. Knowledge of the factors that make a person successful and satisfied in a role; Focus on identifying and locating those attributes and Action to make things happen for you.

"Success: persistence, hard work and hiring good people"

We build our knowledge through connections, research and asking the right questions - not just about your vacancy, about people - which companies have become leaders in their field and why, what can we learn from.  The accumulation of many years within and outside recruitment is a critical advantage we bring to you.

With this understanding, and an insight into you, your roles, future plans etc, we then undertake a tailored programme to locate, attract and evaluate the right person for your company. Starting with our close networks and working through a process of marketing, referrals and various proven channels to ensure you get to chose from the best available talent. Our candidate checking is comprehensive and targeted, our ability to evaluate project relevance, scope and scale, is well developed. All this maximises the win-win for you.

Our ability to match the needs of the jobseeker to the future of an organisation is the crucial element that brings it all together. Once these are aligned, we play an active role in remuneration and contract agreements, address queries promptly and follow up well past the start date to ensure an effective placement is made for all parties.

This three step approach means you, the employer, has minimum disruption and can focus on your business, know we know what we know.

      Why Acorva?
We operate a dedicated approach, taking the whole recruitment process on board, marketing, searching, responding to all candidates, applications, negotiating, collaboration and contracts, so you can focus on your goals.
It makes sense.

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